About The Library

History of the Library

The Panther Valley Public Library opened on September 11, 2003 in the former Lansford United Methodist Church. The building also houses the Lansford Historical Society. The library serves the communities of Coaldale, Lansford, Nesquehoning and Summit Hill.

How to become a member of the library

Inside of the library Become a member – residents of the Panther Valley School District are entitled to free membership at the Panther Valley Public Library. Non- resident fee for membership is $10.00 per person.
Application must be made in person with a valid driver’s license or utility bill with a current address of residence.

A student under the age of 18 requires a signed permission slip from one’s parent’s/guardian in order to use the computer.

Books may be checked out for two (2) weeks and can be renewed at two week intervals. DVDs are checked out for one (1) week and can be renewed at one week intervals.

A patron may check out and have in their possession the maximum number of items as listed: 3 children’s books, or 2 adult books and 1 DVD, or no books and 2 DVDs.  All outstanding material must be returned before a patron can check out additional items.

Any patron with an outstanding fine and or overdue, undreturned items will lose all priviliges of the library until item(s) are returned/fine paid.